Surf various guitar websites and/or frequent message boards and you will find a big fat myth related to the acoustic guitar. The Web (for all its wonders) has a lot of misleading information and downright lies, but because anyone can purchase a domain and post some content, they are mistaken as creditable resources.
The big myth that I am talking about today is acoustic guitars and how a lot of people seem to be under the assumption that it’s a completely different instrument when compared to the electric guitar. In reality, the tone is much different (obviously), but that’s about it!
If you actually believe that there are certain things you can play on electric but not acoustic, you are wrong. Truthfully, the acoustic and electric guitar are very much the same and just about anything you can do on electric you can also play on acoustic. In the end, the primary roadblock that prevents most from accomplishing (and therefore thinking) that the two are different instruments is because the acoustic guitar is not properly setup.
Make sense? has some wonderful resources on the proper setup of an acoustic guitar. Common acoustic troubleshooting like how to play bar chords, scales, riffs and soloing are all addressed in detail. Here, for example, is one of their videos on dealing with a common issue — the location of the action.

If you have never played a guitar before and are currently stuck between electric or acoustic, I should note that while some may say it is harder to learn on acoustic that is not necessary true. With the right setup (as introduced above), beginners can learn just as well on acoustic guitar as electric.
In fact, the grand battle between electric and acoustic comes down to your own personal style and budget limits. Yes, acoustic guitars have larger bodies and necks. Some individuals will also note that they have an easier time pressing down on electric guitar strings when compared to acoustic.
In the end, the size of your budget may make the final decision. If so, you’ll likely settle with acoustic guitar since they are generally slightly cheaper. While it’s never good to just opt for the cheapest route, if you really do want to learn to play an acoustic guitar there are a variety of outstanding resources available. Always heed to proper guitar setup and you should be good to go!
Shopping for an acoustic guitar? Check out the Top 10 Beginner Acoustic Guitars.